My Golden Beauty

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Third Trimester Pregnancy Recap

Dress: ASOS (35% off!)

As I’m nearing the end of my pregnancy #38weekspregnant there’s so many emotions that are going through my mind. The third trimester is between weeks 28 and 40 (i.e. months 7-9). It’s so crazy to think that it’s been an entire 9 months and time has certainly flown by. I’m excited to meet this baby whose been kicking me everyday (I’ll miss those sweet kicks!), a little sad because I will honestly miss having this bump #stylethebump and nerves (also exciting at the same time) of how Labor & Delivery will go, postpartum and life with baby.

Below are my other pregnancy posts in case you want to catch up!

Here are some questions I received during the last few weeks:

How are you feeling? Like I said above there’s a mix of emotions. Physically I feel great and I think because its been a combination of having a positive outlook throughout my entire pregnancy as well as staying physically active. I aim to get 30 minutes of exercise per day. Lately as my due date is approaching, we’ve amped it up with walking 2 miles each morning (which ends up being 30 minutes) and then in the evenings I’ll do various exercises on my exercise ball.

What have you done to prep for baby? It’s been a slow and steady prep I would say over the last few months. My husband and I both work full time and in the evenings we usually cook dinner together, I work on my blog and we catch up on tv so we mostly do projects over the weekends. Some of the things we have done are:

  • Nursery (Not 100% done yet - there’s some decor items I still need to get but the main items are finished)

  • Got our bedroom ready with the halo bassinet, changing area, etc.

  • Installed the car seat

  • Found a pediatrician

  • Took classes such as childbirth and breastfeeding classes through our hospital

  • Had a baby shower

  • Packed our hospital bags (myself, husband and baby)

  • Stocked up on food and snacks

Are you in “nesting” mode? I thought at #38weekspregnant I would have been in full on nesting mode but sitting around and doing nothing for more than a day drives me crazy! I’ve been keeping busy with my full time job, blogging and getting things around the house ready. I’m also not one to take naps - I can count the number of naps I’ve taken this whole entire year on one hand.

How has it been being pregnant during the pandemic? It’s been an interesting journey to say the least, not only is this our first baby but on top of that, going through it during the pandemic has been quite the experience. The worst thing I would have to say is that my husband is not allowed to come to appointments with me - so think of that first appointment you ever had and hearing the heartbeat, the 20 week anatomy scan, growth scan, etc. there’s so many missed moments. Luckily our hospital allows us to have one support person with us during our stay (however no visitors permitted). You also have to wear a mask during your entire time at the hospital - can you imagine delivering a baby with a mask on?

Have you experienced any annoying or bothersome symptoms in your third trimester? I didn’t experience any Braxton Hicks contractions as others do but I did experience the occasional nosebleed. We did get a humidifier for our bedroom which has helped SO much. Luckily I haven’t experienced much swelling and my feet are still the same size (LoL). I would say that for swelling keeping up with your water intake is super important to keep swelling down.

I remember you taking a poll on Instagram on how to flip baby.. What advice did you receive and did it work? From weeks 32-35 baby was in a transverse lie position (only 1 in 400 babies end up that way) and a few people recommended checking out which has exercises that can help flip baby and get them in the head down position. Well after a week of doing exercises constantly daily the ultrasound at the 36 week appointment showed baby was head down! I was so glad if not then the recommendation was to do an EVC (external cephalic version) which I heard is painful and then if that doesn’t work then a C-Section is the way to go.

Are you nervous for Labor & Delivery? I would be lying if I said I wasn’t - but women have been having babies forever and our bodies are made to do this! I have an amazing husband and family - my support team. I also know I’ll be in good hands at the our hospital as I've heard amazing things. Everyones experience is so different so I try not to dwell much on it.

Are you taking maternity leave? Yes, I will be taking the traditional maternity leave from my full time job but will keep up with blogging on the side.

Have you gave any thought to postpartum? If so, what have you done? Yes! I’m so glad we live in a world where things are easily accessible and there are so many blogs out there to do research as well as advice from family and friends. I know that the hospital will provide alot of the items after labor & delivery but some things I have bought myself to have at home which I have heard are great are: Frida Mom postpartum kit, Frida Mom peri bottle, Frida Mom Sitz Bath, Earth Mamma products, Always Overnight Pads, Always Discreet underwear, Nursing Tanks, Nursing Bras and Nursing Pads.

Looking back on your pregnancy is there anything different you would have done? I honestly have to say there isn’t. I am happy that I kept an active lifestyle and I feel as though I did the best that I could do. Looking back on my journey pregnancy isn’t scary and it’s a beautiful experience. I’m so blessed to carry this sweet boy.

Thank you all for your sweet and kind messages throughout my journey!