It's Already April, Time to Get Ready for Summer!

Hi Loves! Happy second day of April! I wanted to apologize that I haven’t been writing as much as I usually do - March was an extremely busy month!


Today the weather was absolutely gorgeous.  I was fortunate to get out of work at a decent time and able to get outside and run 5 miles! A month ago if someone had asked me to run even one mile outside I would have thought they were absolutely crazy. I am following a ten week running program and this week is week number 6! The purpose of all this running is that I am participating in a 10 mile race the first weekend of May and I have about a month left! I am super excited and it’s a great way for me to get in shape in time for summer. The days that I don’t feel like running I always think to myself that I don’t want to be that person who doesn’t finish the race while all my friends are done!

So some of you might be thinking “Okay Sharan that’s great and dandy but how does this relate to your beauty/fashion blog?” We let me tell you...


A healthy diet and exercise translates into clearer and healthier looking skin and it doesn’t stop at just that.  Watching what you eat and exercising makes you less at risk for heart disease, osteoporosis, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cancers. You will also have more energy, less stress, sleep better, higher self-esteem, and just plain old have a sense of being healthy and just feel good about yourself.

Additionally, getting plenty of anti-oxidants can diminish the appearance of aging and help to keep your skin clear. Eating a diet full of leafy vegetables, whole grains, and greens can also help to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy. It’s also important to drink plenty of water because it removes toxins and waste from the body and also helps to hydrate. 

As I always say, good skin comes from within!